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Pouring candles in your DIY JESIN containers
A DIY adventure with soy wax
Pouring candles - doesn't that sound like a wonderfully relaxing and at the same time creative activity? It's no wonder that candle making in unique containers is becoming more and more popular. In a world that is becoming more and more hectic, many people long for a little bit of peace and comfort. And that's exactly what candle making can offer!
Why soy wax instead of paraffin wax?
Before we delve into the magical world of candle making, let's take a look at the material used. Soy wax has replaced the tried and tested paraffin wax in many households in recent years, and for good reasons:
Environmentally friendly: Soy wax is made from soybeans, a renewable resource. In contrast, paraffin wax is extracted from petroleum, which is less environmentally friendly. Better for your health: Burning paraffin wax produces harmful substances such as benzene and toluene. Soy wax, on the other hand, burns cleaner and produces less soot.
Longer burning time: Soy wax has a lower melting temperature, which means the candle burns longer. More candlelight for your money - who can resist that?
Better scent development: Soy wax has the wonderful property of holding scents better and releasing them more evenly, which leads to a more intense and long-lasting scent experience.
The candle-making trend:
Why now?
Why is candle-making so trendy? There are several reasons why people around the world are turning to wax-making and wick-cutting:
Relaxation and stress relief: The process of making the container for your DIY candle yourself is already "addictive". And then there's the process of making the candle: it can be extremely calming. The warmth of the liquid wax, the gentle scent and the steady stirring act like a meditation. A moment of calm in the midst of hectic everyday life.
Creative expression: There are no limits to creativity when making candles. Whether you mix colors with JESIN for your candle container, experiment with scented oils or try out different silicone mold containers - each candle is unique with JESIN and an expression of your creativity.
Personalized gifts: Homemade candles are fantastic gifts. They show that you have taken the time and effort to create something unique. Perfect for birthdays, holidays or simply to make someone happy. Because anyone can buy off the shelf. Now individuality is required!
Sustainability: In a time when sustainability is becoming increasingly important, candle making with environmentally friendly materials such as soy wax is a great way to live more consciously. Likewise, you can refill your cast JESIN container with soy wax again and again! So it's a great "re-fill" option.
Aromatherapy: Scented candles can lift the mood, relax or even promote concentration. The aromas of lavender, citrus fruits or eucalyptus can work small miracles in everyday life.
Now that you know why soy wax is great and why candle making is so trendy, let's get started!
Step-by-step instructions:
Your own soy wax candle in a JESIN container
Pouring with JESIN
1) Mix the JESIN in a suitable cup. Mixing ratio is 2:1, i.e. 2 parts powder and 1 part liquid. But please use weight - and not feel! ;)
2) Now add some color (if you want), such as the LIQU-MENTs, and stir the color in well.
3) Then take your silicone mold and pour the JESIN into it. Don't rush, because you have 20 minutes of processing time. With a little tapping on the edge of the silicone mold or a vibration plate, you can get all the bubbles out.
4) After waiting 20 minutes, you can now take your beautiful, self-made candle cup out of the mold. It now needs about 12-24 hours until the moisture has completely evaporated, only then can you fill it with candle wax.
-> small tip: If you have a silicone mold and you are not sure how much JESIN you need, just fill the mold with water. This amount of water times 2 gives you the amount of JESIN you need. It's that easy!
Pouring with JESIN SOY WAX
Prepare materials:
- Your DIY JESIN container
- JESIN SOY WICKS (candle wicks that are perfectly matched to the JESIN SOY WAX)
- Fragrance oil (optional)
- Dye (optional)
- Stirring sticks
- Craft Sticks with the holes punched (we need this as a wick holder)
- Thermometer
- Double boiler or heat-resistant measuring cup
Place the wick in the middle of the container. Depending on the size of the container, several wicks are suitable. The JESIN SOY WICKS have an average burning radius of 7 cm. This allows you to measure how many wicks you need so that your candle burns beautifully at the end and there are no wax residues on the edge of the container.
Melting wax:
If you want to know how much soy wax your JESIN container needs, fill this container with water again to the desired height of your wax. Ideally, it should always be 0.5 cm below the edge. This amount of water x 0.9 = the gram amount for the amount of soy wax required
Melt the soy wax in the double boiler over medium heat. Stir regularly and keep an eye on the temperature - ideally it should not rise above 72°C.
* (optional) Add fragrance and color:
As soon as the wax has completely melted, you can add fragrance oil and colorant. Stir thoroughly so that everything is evenly distributed.
Pour wax:
Carefully pour the liquid wax into the prepared container. Ideally, your container is at room temperature and has even been on a heater beforehand. You can give the wick(s) some support with a perforated craft sticks.
Let it cool down:
Let the candle cool completely and harden at room temperature. This can take several hours.
Trim the wick:
Cut the wick to about 0.5-1 cm in length to ensure that the candle burns evenly.
Voilà, your homemade soy wax candle is ready! Not only is it a wonderful addition to your home, but it is also a testament to your creativity and attention to detail.
In a world that is often characterized by stress and chaos at times, candle making offers a welcome break. It combines craftsmanship, creativity and relaxation in a wonderful way while also creating a cozy home. So, light your new candle, sit back and enjoy the warm light and calming scent - you deserve it!