JESIN® MATTE SEALER - 100ml / 3.38 fl.oz
We recommend for best results that two or up to three coats of JESIN® MATTE SEALER should be applied onto JESIN®.
The first coat can be diluted up to 30% with water. Diluting the first coat will aid the chemical bonding process and the second coat should be applied once the initial diluted coat is touch dry. Do not allow the first coat to dry completely before applying the second coat. In principle, we recommend the application of several thin coats is preferable to one thick coat.
The JESIN® MATTE SEALER goes a long way, therefore small quantities can cover large areas. So we recommend the application of several thin layers is preferable to one thick coat.
FUN FACT: If u mix the JESIN® MATTE SEALER with pigments (LIQU-MENTS) u can achieve amazing color washes which will look like a patina.
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